Could most infertility treatments be unnecessary???

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Infertility- how to reverse it + get pregnant naturally.

Yep, i’m going there because so many women need to know this.

In my line of work, i get to support women on their healing/health journeys, and that includes guiding them towards possible reasons something in their body/mind doesn’t seem to be working/feeling right. One of which is getting pregnant + holding a healthy baby to term.

The CDC finds that about 10 percent of women (6.1 million) in the U.S. ages 15-44 struggle to get pregnant or stay pregnant. The reasons are many (and we don’t know all of them yet), but what we do know is that it takes a large personal and financial toll on those it affects.

Infertility, just like any dis-ease in the body, is simply a sign that something is not right inside the body and needs to be addressed. It isn’t a deficiency in fertility drugs or due to a lack of IVF. Fertility is a natural process in the body, but one that the body can turn off if it doesn’t feel it can safely sustain a pregnancy.

As infertility rates continues to rise in the US, it is sadly in a time where abortion rates are some of the highest they have ever been (862k in 2017 alone) - all while there are countless women who want children but can’t get pregnant despite the efforts of medical science. I do not share this in any way to shame anyone who has had an abortion, only to bring light to a sad irony that is our current reality.

I’ve personally been through the ringer with hormones/pregnancy/trauma/vaccine injury/abuse and it is my HEART to see women fully able to live out their lives and passions unhindered by health issues that often come with simple (notice i didn’t say easy ;-) solutions- although they are often much easier than the medical options. No woman should have to suffer through this, but our current health care system is failing most of us, and giving us options that often don’t sit right with our souls or do more damage in the long run + are usually completely unnecessary.


I do not think that most Dr.’s are malicious or have any intention to cause harm- I believe most of them are probably pretty great people + Dr.’s, but we have been expecting/assuming more of them and a system that is flawed and just generally behind the times of what most functional medical practitioners + holistic methods understand w/ how the WHOLE body works and how it was designed to function when we take care of it + discover the root causes or why our body isn’t “working”.

Okay so let’s talk about our other options:

Most of the women that I have met with who have not gotten pregnant quickly (within a year of starting to conceive) have been told that they need help in the form of shots, invasive treatments or ivf fairly soon after that year- (i’m not saying there isn’t a time and place for these- i just believe they are not as NEEDED as we think or are told) -without much understanding of where their hormones are at, what other organs may be struggling aka preventing their body from being in an optimal environment to hold a baby, etc….

If you have been told this or something like it, i think you’ll be surprised and hopefully a little relieved below that there are other options to try first.

Again these Dr.’s are often not versed in Nutrition and whole body care, they are doing their job and what they know how to do, which is give you synthetic hormones + attempt to get you that baby (after they make a BOAT load of money off of your understably natural, strong , innate + emotional desire to have a precious baby). AND when they are needed, they are a GIFT! - but I wonder just how many women/families spend so much time, emotions + $ on these methods when they could just make a few lifestyle changes, get to some root causes, clean out their pipes and voila- get pregnant completely naturally w/ much less stress, save some $ and more fun!

The first place I point my friends to is a book that completely changed how i viewed supporting my hormones + set me on the path to better sanity/health/sleep/pregnancies + SOOO much more! It is called Taming the Dragon Within* by Leanne + David Deardeuff, DC - This lil book is a wealth of knowledge on all things hormones + how to support them.

I found this super fascinating when i first read it - that in their practice they saw that MOST women who cannot get pregnant have problems with their bowel + liver functions! I mean it makes sense to me now, but when i first read it i didn’t realize how these could affect my ability to conceive or my overall health, especially mental health too.

“This may seem odd at first until we realize that stagnant bowels send toxins into the uterus and a malfunctioning liver causes hormonal imbalances. For the majority of women, doing colon and liver cleanses helps correct the problem. It’s almost miraculous!” um, YES PLEASE!

Leanne continues to say “I personally have assisted hundreds of women in becoming pregnant by teaching them sound cleansing principles. Most have gotten pregnant + are restored to fertility within 3-6 months of doing a colon cleanse followed by a liver cleanse. If a patient was not pregnant within 6 months of starting these cleanses, we looked at other factors such as thyroid and adrenal insufficiencies. Out of all of the women i worked with, only 5 did not get pregnant after doing the cleanses. These 5 women were all sisters and had emotional issues that they were not ready to deal with at the time.” Isn’t this exciting news!?

I can attest to the testimonies of many women w/ happy conceptions + rainbow babies by following these simple cleanses to get their bodies back to a place where it was ready to house their sweet babe- HOPE is a great thing and it makes me realize just how tragic it is that so many couples who wish to have children and think they are unable to- could be able to w/ something as simple as cleaning up their body systems so that each organ can work at it’s optimal level.

My hope is that this gave you HOPE! + options.

To get the simple colon + liver cleansing protocols mentioned above, reach out to me @ or you can find me @LisaAshleyGregory on Facebook or Instagram and i’ll get back to you within 24 hours with the protocols by email.

Be sure to ask how you can get this hormone book for free as my gift to you for taking ownership of your health!

ALL the best and Baby Dust <3

Lisa G


*It has come to my attention that currently this book is offered on amazon at an insane price, or

tamingthedragon.jpg for $12.50.

Lisa Gregory