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Padsicles are where it’s at!

Healing heaven for your lady bits.

If you’ve had a vaginal birth- these will be a dream for your vagina + your booty!- just saying, its true.

And you will be doing exactly what my sister did when i gave her a big ole bag of these:

“Lisa, you are a freakin angel! What did you put on these!?- i swear i am healing so much faster and its helping so much with the soreness too!”

While i wish i could take that full credit for this idea, alas Pinterest and google came in clutch and i added my own version of the healing oils to rock this super simple DIY vagina dream team.

You’ll need the following supplies: 

• Feminine pads (any kind- we recommend either chemical free pads or cloth pads) this recipe does 10 

• Witch Hazel (astringent, helps to close pores and heal skin) 

• Aloe Vera gel — the pure kind 

• Lavender Essential Oil (calms swelling or inflammation of the skin, supports cellular regeneration) 

• Frankincense Essential Oil (supports tissue regeneration, prevents scarring) 

• Rosemary Essential Oil (fights infection and inflammation, strengthens muscles) 

• Geranium Essential Oil (helps heal broken capillaries, conditions skin) 

• Small Spray Bottle 

• Aluminum Foil 

Step 1:

Fill your small spray bottle about halfway up with witch hazel.

Step 2: Add 5-10 drops of each essential oil.

Step 3: Top off with witch hazel.

Step 4: Open up feminine pads and spread with a thin layer of aloe with clean hands.

Step 5: Spray with spray bottle mixture- enough to dampen the pad but not soak it through- you want to preserve some of the absorbency of the pads for postpartum needs.

Step 6: Let dry a little bit, then wrap with aluminum foil and store in freezer. Your padsicles are done!

After baby, use 3-4 pads per day straight from the freezer to soothe and heal! 

(If pads are too cold for you, leave open on counter for a few minutes, then use) 

BONUS: The spray bottle mixture is a perfect perineum healing spray! When I had my daughter, I would spray my perineal area each time I would go to the bathroom. I would also spray my other regular pads before I would put them on to get even more healing benefits from the oils & witch hazel!

Happy Healing Mama!

Lisa GregoryComment